Tuesday, January 11, 2011


                                                            Priority: POLITICAL GAIN

I lack the patience and I am also convinced there is no worse blind person than he, who does not want to see.  So I'll take the shortcut. For those who are following the real "hate speech" going on in the media, using the Tucson tragedy as a crisis that shouldn't go to waste, here is a wake up call. Don't let yourself be brainwashed, used, transformed into what I am sure they consider the ideal population: Useful idiots.
A commenter at Big Journalism put it in writing while I was thinking it. (stole my thoughts) so I am borrowing the comment. All in the name of sanity.

" Every time there is a shooting, a mail bomb, a hostage incident, the usual Leftist suspects will chortle happily and think to themselves, "This time, it's GOTTA be a right-wing nutjob! I know it is! Oh, finally, (conservative celebrity) has gone too far!" And everytime, it's either a Leftist loon or a plain old crazy person perpetrating the violence.

There's something very, very wrong with the kind of person that gleefully receives news of tragedy in the expectation that his political enemy can be associated with it, especially when he has been repeatedly disappointed.
But, as we are well aware, for many reasons, Progressivism IS a mental disorder."


                                                          A Small Reminder
                                                        By Michelle Malkin

                                                           Big Journalism
                                                         By Meredith Dake