Monday, November 05, 2012

The UNIFIER calls for Revenge instead. Way to go.

ObamaIn the end, all becomes class warfare, it is the same old idea that started taking form in the 1800's and defined itself in 1917. You can go "forward" with your revenge, it will give you exactly what it gave millions before you, some days of euphoria, at least half a century of dependency and struggle to survive while enjoying the freedom to be silent, the company of all the new poor and the promise of that better future you will never see. 
Voting Isn't Revenge, It's Resistance
There are plenty of ways to cast the divisions between parties and movements, but the elemental act of voting divides rhetoric from motive. Obama called voting the best revenge, because for a sizable portion of his base that's ...

Obama said voters can get "Revenge" on presidential candidate Mitt Romney by voting at a campaign event in Ohio. This statement is reminiscent of other divisive statements made by President Obama in the past. At one ...

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