Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bunny Bugs, Old, But Up To Date; Similarities Anyone?

Parasite in NY

                                          Taenia Saginata

The United Nations was created with the higher possible purpose, to become the means, the mediator, the deterrent for all human causes throughout the world. It was never the intention to make it a World's Government.
For many years now the UN has been dancing to the tunes the globalists play. It is always in favor of all those causes that try to make us all the same. Uniformed. While at the same time failing "historically"  in doing the job of preserving the life  of those which are the reason for its existence.
Bloody dictators have massacred their own people in the face of the UN assembly waiting for the death toll number to reach the genocide level to pronounce condemnation and perhaps a sanction. 

It lives basically in our territory, it feeds mostly from us and it is plotting to destroy the freedoms that we enjoy. It is siding with all our enemies. It is a parasite. 
I am a furious advocate of  getting the UN out of the United States and the United States out of the UN. The sooner the  better. 
The 2nd Amendment of the constitution is constantly under siege. This is the ultimate and most vicious of  all the attacks. The same old foxes are behind it, pushing with their money and unfortunately ours too. If they are ever successful, I will be an outlaw.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The "Euro Model"

Europe flirtation with socialism has been going on for a long time before the demise of the communist bloc, which might have slowed it down a bit. It didn't kill it. The forces that push that ancient cart are still present and healthy, and they are aiming for the extreme goal despite the setbacks. Global domination.  

Some of us - each for a particular reason - are able to see it coming, in our eyes the customs don't work. It is evident. We need more people like Nigel Farage, In fact, I would like to trade him now for several of our congressmen and senators. I will gladly give a Pelosi a Frank and a Reid to bring Nigel Farage here a let him loose in Capitol Hill. - Watch the video and don't miss the faces at the end -.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

                                I know, I know...

It's been a couple of days... or is it a couple of years? it'll pass, by for now, two glasses of wine and the song used to "cut my veins" while - that woman- is away. Every time. 
(courtesy of Spytunes) 


Monday, November 22, 2010

                                                      Rules Of Engagement

Despite the many times it has been brought up by military commands and the heavy evidence provided in the most terrible way by the death of our soldiers; rules of engagement continue to be decided politically. It is decided in air conditioned offices by many that have never seen a battlefield. It is designed to please the eyes and silence the fast tongue of the always abundant critics of the United States. It has to stop.



Tuesday, November 02, 2010

With the Right Change, The Right Message. Even If Using "their" Own Words.

1984 - Big Brother Obama from RightChange on Vimeo.

Monday, November 01, 2010

This is what socialists do whenever they have enough power. Despite more than 7 decades of economic and political debacles, they still implement the control measures that enable the perpetuation in power.
Here's just another example: TAKEOVER

Felons tend to vote Liberal
Soldiers tend to vote Conservative
Explained enough.