Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lucky me
Just today, and at this early morning hour, I have already received messages from the likes of: Professor Charles Soludo, General Peter Olu, The Fondation of France, (they write fondation- not foundation) Barrister Daniel, Barrister Collins Obi, and some others. All of them offering grants, inheritance, business proposals, lottery winnings. I must be the luckiest man in the world,... or .. are you?

I feel lucky, blessed with the attention of so many wonderful persons, all of them looking forward to make my life better. It would be greedy on my part not to share. I have plenty, and much more coming in as the day advances. Why not share? Send me your email address and I will forward this blessings to you.
You are just one email away from a different, fuller life. Aren't you excited?

Advertise while in Traffic!

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Important Message From RBC Royal Bank...

Dear Customer:

Due to the recent update of our servers, we have issued this warning message....

Usually, it starts in that tune and goes in crescendo as we travel down reading the message. To our surprise, that account we have with Royal Bank...(we can't remember when we opened it, how much is in there or where in earth is the Royal Bank) is compromised now. We don't have access to our money and unless We act fast, there will be nothing left soon. So, depending on the kind of day We are having, We either utter a couple of high resounding words and erase the email, or have a laugh and continue to the next one after reporting another attempt to part us from our real money.

Despite the fact that the majority of internet users are very literate, informed guys and gals of today, the trend is increasing; the variations of the Nigerian Scam are now infinite, taking the shape of lottery winnings, business proposals, offers for employment, charity requests and many others.

Authorities on the countries this wannabe scammers reside are basically unable to arrest them even though they know who and where they are. The Law does not provide elements to condemn internet criminals. Lately an american TV show has been exposing some of them through self funded investigation and research. A sad finding.. the victim's count is high.

Although not everybody will ever have the same level of information, this is a hard hit to those who fall into the hands of the scammers. The only possibility we have against them is to protect ourselves, to be aware at all times and tell the world.

I have made my mission to educate everyone in my family about it. All of us should do the same.

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Following the steps of Aspen, Nantucket, Sun Valley and the like, Miami is now part of a select group of cities featuring their own TV channel with Plum TV. It provides a constant, vibrant , refreshing spot where you can get up to date with current happenings at the city, as well as catching a glimpse of a friend passing in front of the camera. Plum TV interviews common people just about their business of enjoying the beach, artist, tourists, businessmen, the spontaneity and colorful takes of the camera do the trick of keeping us watching.
Plum TV have also launched the website at : where you can re-run the stories, watch pictures, read articles and see who has been on PlumTV.
If you live and play in Miami Beach you can be part of PlumTV and, by sharing your story or simply by walking the streets.... who knows? you might see yourself on PlumTV

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Thursday, June 28, 2007


I have been pushing myself around, harder every time, might have caused myself some bruises in the process, mental ones. Being a newbie to the blog fever I draw a blank with no exceptions when I seat in front of the keyboard with the intention of "writing my blog"

What do I say to you? my life? you have your own... why would you be interested in mine? my everyday incredible fun or.....un-fun? Oh yeah... I got a traffic ticket... but I wasn't doing 90 as he said..

A good friend of mine insists this is an infallible way of driving visitors to your site and I admit.. confess, this is all what it is about, I don't have the stuff it takes and searching for a "cool" subject has left me in a state where nobody should be.... right now.. I am wondering... gosh.. am I so uncool? These days, the days of YouTube, MySpace etc. it is a sin to be uncool.. a large percentage of the people that populate the internet seem to identify uncool with aging.
My friend advise suggest it is a lot more complicated than what it seems... I believe it. There is a very good chance that You never read this completely, but you are going to find it, not only here.... but in some other internet places... and it will be only because I will use magic..... I will invoke your presence with they come... Mesothellioma, Loans, Traffic, Education, Employment, Work At Home, Business, Arthritis, Free Videos, Paris Hilton.(that's a good one) American Idol, Travel, Marketing, Free, er...

I promise the next time I will use one of those analyzers so commonly provided all around. But this is my first blog... I have made attempts in other places and always ended up with a sad story.... I have blogged my opinion in political matters too.... somewhat, somebody called that a blog... I called it venting...

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Heartless Media Part of the Problem

Today this blog has nothing to do with my online endeavour , it is a cry, a call.
One more time America is in tears and again it feels impotent to avoid the killing of its youth. The senseless repetition of the macabre scene. But the pain is not enough for the media that, in its desperate search for rating has no limits except those that the law mandates. I have been almost forced to see the pictures of the murderer every minute, every aspect of his face, the waving of the guns, I know they are also broadcasting his "angry" message... for us.. and for the next copycat. Those who crave this kind of spotlight are taking note..... the press, the media is providing every single detail... they are complying with the killer's agenda, he knew what he wanted, and he is getting it.
The next one will have the perfect guide to be another infamous famed.

Even when I protest every time I will include myself in the guilty group.. We, are all guilty, because we pay attention to the bloody details they feed us, We crave the bloody news.. they give it to us. That is the main reason for which they run each time a shot is fired... because they know our attention will be locked into their channels.. if anything good happens in the world... may be you can read about it in the last pages. The prime time is reserved for the most gruesome act, and they call it news.

Those who lost their lives were invaluable to someone and to society, Instead of depicting every crazy word this killer said, we should focus on letting the world know what we are losing when things like this happen. We should keep this killer's face unknown, buried, forgotten.
Yesterday It was Virginia Tech day... tomorrow it could be here... where your loved one goes... and it could be the next copycat who does it.. the one that is now watching and learning.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

For the Benefit of all business communities, non profit organizations and individuals, a Free Press Release Center is now online as a courtesy of, the search engine that has stormed Alexa Rankings to the top 5000 in just 9 months.
All users of the more than 300 City Portals throughout the country can take advantage of the Free Release Center only by registering as affiliates or businesses, and following the link provided in their very own control panel.
This is not the only free service available, it is actually one of the many features that SearchBigDaddy users are granted once they register, including a $500.00 credit towards advertising services, Free worldwide classifieds postings and much more.
The City of Miami Beach implemented its own City Portal for all advertising business needs at : or through a link from
Use our portal to your advantage. Become part of the fastest growing Search Engine. Promote your products online, offer discounts coupons, it's your portal too. And Remember....
Now your Press Releases are FREE.